Now Create and Manage Non Fungible Certificates Easily.

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Non Fungible Certificates

Non Fungible Certificates are immutable certificates which are protected with the help of robust blockchain technology within the Solana blockchain. Users and certificate issuing authorities can easily use this service to register their certificates in the blockchain and easily transfer the certificate ownership to another party when needed.

Values That We Preserve
Easy allows anyone to easily register their certificate into Solana blockchain network just by a few clicks.
Cryptographic hash of your certificate will be derived and stored in blockchain.
Cryptographic hashes of the certificates registered in blockchain are immutable, and any attempt to tamper the certificate will mismatch the hash.

Validate Certificates Easily

You can validate the ownership as well as the the time authenticity of a registered certificate very easily in our platform. Your validation request will be checked against the data in blockchain to see whether or not the certificate was tampered ever since the certificate was registered in Solana blockchain network using NFC platform.

Share and Transfer Certificates

One of the premium features of NFC is the built-in secure certificate sharing facility. Our service allows you to share your certificate very easily to a service provider/authority for their review and validation, for a temporary period, without actually transferring any ownership to them. If and when you may need to to transfer the ownership of a certificate, you may also do so within the platform.

A Better Way to Manage Your Certificates on the Go

NFC allows you to easily manage and share the certificate anywhere you go, using our platform. You can optionally set an expiry for sharing for extra security. NFC is the best way to store and validate all your certificates.

Solana Blockchain Protection
Easy and Fast
Shareable and Transferable
Completed Projects
Happy Customers
Ongoing Projects
Awards & Achievements
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